EPSY 8268: Hierarchical Linear Modeling in Educational Research

This includes course resources from 2017, when the lead instructor (Dr. Harwell) was on sabbatical.


Albano & Rodriguez 2013. Math OTL and differential item functioning.

Braun et al. 2006. Charter schools.

Enders & Tofighi. 2007. Centering predictors.

Garner & Raudenbush. 1991. Neighborhood effects on educational attainment.

Hahs-Vaughn. 2005. Using weights.

Harwell et al. 2013. High school math and college achievement.

Hoffman & Rovine. 2007. Multilevel models for the experimental psychologist.

Jameel. n.d. How to do Power Calculations in Optimal Design Software.

Lee & Bryk. 1989. Social distribution of achievement.

Meink & Rodriguez. 2013. Cluster correlations.

Osborne. 2000. Advantanges of HLM.

Myung. 2003. A tutorial on maximum likelihood estimation.

Rodriguez. 2004. TIMSS classroom assessment.

Rodriguez. 2005. Random effects meta-analysis of correlations.

Sampson, Raudenbush, & Earls. 1997. Neighborhoods and violent crime.

Smolik. 2010. Using multilevel modeling in the analysis of experimental data.

Spybrook. 2011. Optimal Design Plus Empirical Evidence.

Tate & Pituch. 2007. Multivariate HLM in randomized field experiments.

Taylor et al. 2003. Reading growth in high poverty classrooms.

Woltman. 2012. Tutorial intro to HLM.

Other Readings

Albright & Marinova. 2010. Multilevel models using SPSS, Stata, SAS, and R.

Atkins. 2005. Couple/family treatment data.

Goldstein, Browne, & Rashash. 2002. Multilevel modeling medical data.

Hobson, Roy, & Coryn. 2013. HLM in evaluation.

McNeish & Stapleton. 2016. Modeling with very few clusters.

Ravand. 2015. Item response theory using HGLM.

Templin. 2008. Framing IRT as HLM.

Wech & Heck. 2004. HLM for marketing research.

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