Welcome to
Ed Measurement

Michael C. Rodriguez - CV
Professor, Quantitative Methods in Education
Campbell Leadership Chair in Education & Human Development


Measurement Papers & Presentations

Standardards for Educational and Psychological Testing
Now available for free download from AERA



EPSY 5221 Principles of Educational & Psychological Measurement (each Fall)
EPSY 5244 Survey Design, Sampling, & Implementation (each Fall)
EPSY 5245 Advanced Survey Data Analysis
(not scheduled)
EPSY 8224 Performance Assessment
(not scheduled)
EPSY 8225 Operational Measurement
(not scheduled)
EPSY 8226 Item Response Theory
(from 2017)
EPSY 8268 Hierarchical Linear Modeling
(from 2017)
EPSY 8269 Matrix Algebra for Statistical Modeling
(Not scheduled)

NOTE: These courses are no longer being taught by Dr. Rodriguez. Search the umn.edu course catalog or schedule builder for future offerings with other instructors. Course materials available here are provided through the Creative Commons licensing agreement - as noted on the content pages.

Addressing Equity in Teaching & Learning

Resolution defending academic freedom as it relates to teaching about race, gender, sexuality, and critical race theory at the University of Minnesota (UMN Faculty Senate, December 2, 2021)

MN Board of Regents policy on academic freedom and responsibility

MN public school leaders pledge to support and expand education equity programs intended to make schools more safe, welcoming and effective for all students (Education MN, 2021)

Joint statement on legislative efforts to restrict education about racism in American history (AAU, AACU, PEN America, American Historical Association, 2021)

Statement in support of anti-racist education (AERA, 2020)

Statement on the significance of academic freedom in a divisive politcal climate (AERA, 2022)

National Council on Family Relations Board of Directors' statement regarding the teaching of critical race theory (2021)

Measurement Organizations


