Welcome to Ed Measurement |
Michael C. Rodriguez - CV Professor, Quantitative Methods in Education Campbell Leadership Chair in Education & Human Development |
EPSY 5221 | Principles of Educational & Psychological Measurement (each Fall) |
EPSY 5244 | Survey Design, Sampling, & Implementation (each Fall) |
EPSY 5245 | Advanced Survey Data Analysis (not scheduled) |
EPSY 8224 | Performance Assessment (not scheduled) |
EPSY 8225 | Operational Measurement (not scheduled) |
EPSY 8226 | Item Response Theory (from 2017) |
EPSY 8268 | Hierarchical Linear Modeling (from 2017) |
EPSY 8269 | Matrix Algebra for Statistical Modeling (Not scheduled) |
NOTE: These courses are no longer being taught by Dr. Rodriguez. Search the umn.edu course catalog or schedule builder for future offerings with other instructors. Course materials available here are provided through the Creative Commons licensing agreement - as noted on the content pages.
MN Board of Regents policy on academic freedom and responsibility
Statement in support of anti-racist education (AERA, 2020)
Statement on the significance of academic freedom in a divisive politcal climate (AERA, 2022)
Talking about Racial Equity in Education [FrameWorks]
Truth in Our Classrooms Bridges Divides: A Messaging Guide [Future of Learning]
Culturally Responsive School Leadership Framework [Dr. Kalifa et al.]
How Nature contributed to science's discriminatory legacy (9-28-2022)
How not to use Data like a Racist [DataVizDC]
Data Equity Framework [We All Count]
Do No Harm: Applying Equity Awareness in Data Visualization [Urban Institute]
Racial Equity Data Hub [tableau]
Why am I Always Being Researched? [Chicago Beyond]
Language as a Right & Resource
School Effects and Achievement
Urban Higher Education Ecosystem
An update for the equity vs. equality graphic
The problem with the equity/equality graphic - less plan
MAG: Mn Assessment Group Resources
Research Methodology Consulting Center
Research Methods in Psychology [Open textbook]
The Generalizer - design evaluations with a population perspective
State Education Reforms (NCES)
The Fairness Lockbox (Caveon)
Data-Planet (SAGE)
GRE Prep Resources (unaffiliated)
GRE Resources (ETS)
Large-Scale Dataset Training (NCES)
Ms. Bullen's and Mr. Maya's Data-Rich Year
When researchers have access to data, students succeed
Four policy priorities to make data work for students
Gender gap in academic publishing
College composition equity (NYT)
Punishing reach of racism (NYT)
US is diverse, but segregated (WP)
The Wrong Answer Project: Examining Stakeholder Voices in High Stakes Testing
Resolution on harnessing psychology to combat racism: Adopting a uniform definition and understanding (APA, 2021)
Association of Black Psychologists' response to the APA apology for racism and opporession (2021)
NCME statement on hate in America (2017)
NCME statement on misconceptions about group differences (2019)
Guidebook to including students with disabilities and English learners in assessments [National Center on Educational Outcomes]
Culturally responsive instruction for Native American students [Center on Standards & Assessment Implementation]
Culturally responsive teaching and the brain [Z. Hammond Podcast]
G: The miseducation of Larry P (Episode 1; RadioLab Podcast; addresses IQ testing of Black children)
G: Problem space (Episode 2; RadioLab Podcast)
G: Relative genius (Episode 3: RadioLab Podcast)
Immigrant Student Experience in Worthington MN [Washington Post]
Choosing and Using SEL Competency Assessments [CASEL]
SEL Assessment Guide [CASEL]
SEL Frameworks [CASEL]
Education Assessment Finder [RAND]
Implementing and assessing SEL [MN Dept. of Ed]
Center on Standards & Assessment Implementation [WestEd]
SEL Solutions [AIR]
A socio-cultural psychometric perspective [Blog]
Should schools embrace SEL? [EducationNext]