EPSY8225: Operational Measurement
Test Score Quality Assurance, Standard Setting & Equating


Goal: This course will enable students to understand the principles of (a) test program quality assurance; (b) linking, equating, and scaling; and (c) performance standard setting. The course will investigate technical and practical challenges facing operational testing programs.

NOTE: This course is no longer being taught by Dr. Rodriguez. Search the umn.edu course catalog or schedule builder for future offerings with other instructors. The design of the course and course content essentially remain the same.

Class Resources Quality Assurance Equating Standard Setting
2020 Syllabus 1. Brennan (2004) 5. Newton (2005) 11. Bejar (2008)
Course textbooks: 1. BOTA Lessons Learned 5. Dorans Moses Eignor (2010) 11. Cizek Bunch Koons (2004)
Test Equating 1. BOTA Letter to DOE 5. Ryan (2011) 11. Crane Winter (2006)
  1. Deng Yoo (2009)  

11. Zieky Perie (2006)

Standard Setting 1. Reckase (2017) 6. Albano (2010)  
  2. NCME (2012) 6. Livingston (2004) 12. C&B (e-book)
USAID Briefs 2. Allalouf (2007) (2011) (2017)    
  2. Frey et al. (2009) 7. Spring Break 13. AERA/NCME
PROJECT FILES 3. Wilson (2008)    
CASMA University of Iowa 3. Yen (1986) 8. Cook Eignor (1991) 14. Huyn (2006)
CIPE Equating Program 3. Wu (2010) 8. Kolen Whitney (1982) 14. MacCann Stanley (2006)
CIPE Handout 3. Dorans (2002) 8. Lopez-Cuadrado (2009)  
  3. Zumbo (2007) 8. Yu Osborn Popp (2005) 15. MCA PLDs
Winsteps 4. Everson Hines (2010)   15. Morgan Michaelides (2005)
Form Y / Form X 4. Myford Wolfe (2009) 9. In-class equating 15. Perie (2007)
Anchor 4. Wolfe Gitomer (2001)   15. Perie (2008)
  4. Impara (2005) 10. Fitzpatrick Yen (2001) 15. Reckase (2006)
IRTEQ (IRT equating software) 4. Cizek (2001) 10. Sinharay Holland (2007) 15. Schultz (2006)
equateIRT (R package) 4. Olson Fremer (2013) 10. Tong Kolen (2005) 15. Zwick (2001)
  4. Ferrara (2017) 10. Newton (2005)


Quality Assurance Bibliographies
QA-2016 Test Design Overview Linking and Equating

Intro to Standard Setting

QA-2018 Intro to Testing Standards Nonequivalent Equating Generic Agenda


Brennan notes (2004)   Alternate Assessments
    IRT Equating SS in Latin America
EPSY8226 IRT Model Summaries (2017) QC Class Notes Feb 17 Winsteps Examples Examining Variation in Bookmark
    Equating Error SS Training Session
Assignments: Annotated Bibliography due Feb 24 Equating A due March 16
Equating B due March 30
SS Critique due May 11


This site is managed by Michael C. Rodriguez.
This website was last updated on August 19, 2021 .
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