Measurement Theory and Applications for the Social Sciences (Library ebook)
Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
Competency Standards in Assessment for Administrators
Standards for Teacher Competence in Assessment
Code of Fair Testing Practices
Code of Prof. Responsibilities in Ed. Measurement
Rights and Responsibilities of Test Takers
Competencies in Assessment for School Counselors
Fundamentals of Classroom Assessment (video)
International Test Commission Guidelines
Albano's Intro Measurement Text
Proola Collaborative Assessment Development
Measuring the Mind (Boorsboom; a critique of contemporary psychometrics)
Do Standardized Tests Matter? (Kuncel TEDTalk)
Formative Assessment for Students with Disabilities (CCSSO)
Academic Assessment of Students with Disabilities (Fact Sheet)
NCME Statement on Hate in America
NCME Statement on Misconceptions about Group Differences
Standardized Testing Pros/Cons (validity concern)
Test Security Guidebook (validity concern)
Test Security Lessons Learned (validity concern)
AEA Statement on High Stakes Testing (validity concern)
Computer Scorable Math Proof-Completion Items
Multiple-Group CFA Methods (Mplus) (11-11)
CFA v. EFA Video.1 (Templin)
CFA v. EFA Video.2 (Templin)
G-Theory Overview (Webb & Shavelson)
G-Theory in Counseling & Development