AERA, APA, NCME (2014). Standards for educational and psychological testing. Washington DC: American Educational Research Association.
Bandalos, D.L. (2018). Measurement theory and applications in the social sciences. New York, NY:Guilford.
January 28
Shavelson, R.J., Baxter, G.P., & Pine, J. (1992). Performance assessments: Political rhetoric and measurement reality. Educational Researcher, 21(4), 22-27.
Kane, M. B., & Mitchell, R. (1996). Implementing performance assessment: Promises, problems, and challenges. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [Chapters 1-2]
February 4
Darling-Hammond, L., & Adamson, F. (2010). Beyond basic skills: The role of performance assessment in achieving 21st century standards of learning. Stanford, CA: Stanford University, Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education.
Arter, J. (1999). Teaching about performance assessment. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 18(2), 30-44.
Herman, J.L., Aschbacher, P.R., & Winters, L. (1992). A practical guide to alternative assessment. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. [Chapter 3]
February 11
Kane & Mitchell (1996). [Chapter 4]
Stiggens, R.J. (1987). Designs and development of performance assessments. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 6(3), 33-42.
Herman, Aschbacher, & Winters (1992). [Chapter 4]
February 18
Lane, S. (2010). Performance assessment: The state of the art. Stanford, CA: Stanford University, Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education. [pp. 3-24]
Phillips, G.W. (1996). Technical issues in large-scale performance assessment. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. [Chapter 1]
Brookhart, S. (1993). Assessing student achievement with term papers and written reports. Educational Measurement: Issues & Practice, 12(1), 40-47.
February 25
Lane (2010). [pp. 25-41]
Herman, Aschbacher, & Winters (1992). [Chapters 5-6]
March 4
Wills, K.V., & Rice, R. (Eds.). (2013). ePortfolio performance upport systems: Constructing, presenting, and constructing portfolios. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press.
Arter, J.A., & Spandel, V (1992). Using portfolios of student work in instruction and assessment. Educational Measurement: Issues & Practice, 11(1), 36-44.
Explore EdTPA and other portfolio readings online.
March 11
Kane & Mitchell (1996). [Chapters 6-8]
Phillips (1996). [Chapter 5]
March 25
American College Testing Program (1997). Reliability issues with performance assessment: A collection of papers. Iowa City, IA: Author.
Kane, M.B., Crooks, T., & Cohen, A. (1999). Validating measures of performance. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 18(2), 5-17.
Lane (2010). [pp. 42-58]
Herman, Aschbacher, & Winters (1992). [Chapter 6]
Phillips (1996). [Chapter 2]
April 15
Kane & Mitchell (1996). [Chapter 10]