Internet, Phone, Mail, and Mixed-Mode Surveys : The Tailored Design Method (Library ebook; permits 3 users at a time - Strongly consider buying this book!)
What is a Survey (comprehensive site)
How Many Interviews are Enough?
Enhancing Validity and Cross-cultural Comparability of Survey Research
Are we asking the Right Questions? Using Cognitive Interviews to Improve Surveys in Ed Research
Gallup: How Polls are Conducted
Census Bureau Research Reports
NSF Reports (useful for creating Sampling Plan)
National Survey of Recent College Graduates
Survey of Public Attitudes on Science & Technology
REL Northeast & Islands
Survey methods for educators: Collaborative survey development (part 1 of 3)
Survey methods for educators: Selecting samples and administering surveys (part 2 of 3)
Survey methods for educators: Analysis and reporting of survey data (part 3 of 3)
Meet Don Dillman (see research papers)
Conducting Research Surveys via E-mail and the Web
American Evaluation Association Online Handbooks
Surveys in Information Systems
Survey Research Methods Section (American Statistical Association)
Survey Resources and Links; Infopoll
Council of American Survey Research Organizations
Risks and Wrongs in Social Science Research: An Evaluator's Guide to IRB
Item Response Theory Resources
U of MI Survey Research Center Blog
PEDAKSI: Methodology for collecting data about survey non-respondents (Lynn)
National Institutes of Health: Clear Communication
National Audit Office Practical Guide