2003 Minnesota Opinion Survey

This survey covers two very different topics:
1. Issues related to the University of Minnesota, and
2. Issues related to the new Minnesota gun law.

Please consider each of the following questions carefully.
Answer each question based on your own opinions and experiences.


University Mission & Funding Priorities

The Mission of the University of Minnesota

The University of Minnesota has a three part mission: Teaching, Research, and Service. Which ONE of the three aspects of the mission is the most important overall?


Which ONE of the following budgetary reduction measures do you think the University can most easily take and still uphold the missions of teaching, research, and service?

Reduce the number of faculty
Reduce the number of staff
Reduce services to students
Reduce services to Minnesota communities
Reduce faculty and staff benefits

Which of the following revenue enhancement measures do you think the University can most easily take and still uphold the missions of teaching, research, and service?

Increase student fees
Increase research contracts
Increase cost of services (bus fares, entrance fees, etc.)
Revenue sharing between low & high revenue departments
Increase tuition

The University's process of determining budget priorities is understandable.

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

In May, Governor Pawlenty recommended a $185 million reduction over two years for the University, which is 15% of what the University currently receives from the state. What is your opinion on this budget reduction?

It was too large.
It was fair.
It should have been larger.

Funding Issues & Priorities

How important, if at all, is each of the following possible new building/capital projects for the University of Minnesota?
  Not Important Slightly Important Somewhat Important Very Important
On-Campus Football Stadium
Student Housing
Parking Ramps
Library Facilities
Recreation Facilities
Classroom Facilities
Leisure-Common Areas
Computer-Technology Facilities


How much of a problem, if at all, is each of the following issues at the University?
  Not a Problem Small Problem Moderate Problem Serious Problem Unsure
Tuition Increases
Level of Financial Aid Available
Wage Freeze for U Staff
Wage Freeze for U Faculty
Level of Funding for Technology
Availability of Student Jobs


Next we would like you to consider issues related to
the new Minnesota Conceal & Carry Gun Law.

Conceal & Carry Gun Law

General Issues

  Never Occasionally Frequently All of the Time
Prior to Minnesota's Conceal and Carry Law, to what extent did you think about whether or not anyone had a gun when you went out?
Since the Conceal and Carry Law, to what extent do you think about whether or not anyone has a gun when you go out?

  Less Likely About the Same More Likely Unsure
A store you have shopped at in the past recently posted a sign banning concealed handguns on the premises. How likely are you to shop at the store in the future?
A store you have shopped at in the past has NO policy banning concealed handguns on the premises. How likely are you to shop at that store in the future?

Safety Issues

Since the Conceal & Carry Law was passed in April 2003, how has your sense of safety changed, if at all, in each of the following situations? Select the response that best represents your sense of safety.

  I feel less safe I feel the same I feel more safe Unsure
Encountering a stranger
Helping a stranger
Walking alone during the day in your neighborhood
Walking alone during the night in your neighborhood
Shopping at your favorite mall
Attending a large public event
Driving around the city

  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
The Conceal & Carry Law makes me feel safer overall.
Having a gun in the home increases the safety of the people who live there.

Understanding the Law

We would like you to answer a few questions to gauge your understanding of various aspects of the new law. Please respond to each question to the best of your ability. Assume for each question that the proper license has been obtained.

  True False
Guns are allowed in public school building.
Guns are allowed in public school parking lots.
Guns are allowed in government buildings.
The gun must always be concealed.
Owners of private establishments may ban guns by posting a sign.
If visiting a business that bans guns, you can leave the gun in the trunk of a car.
Employers can ban guns from parking facilities they own.
Metro Transit bus drivers may carry a gun.
Landlords may ban guns of guests for an apartment complex they own.
It is illegal to carry a gun if under the influence of alcohol.
Cities can ban guns on all city property.

Politics and Attitudes about Guns

This law is supported by the majority of Minnesotans (over 50%).

Strongly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Agree

In the next election, I would vote for a political candidate who supports the Conceal and Carry Law.

Strongly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Agree

Since the Carry and Conceal Law, how likely are you to buy a gun?

Less Likely
About the Same
More Likely

Since the Carry and Conceal Law, how likely are you to carry a concealed gun?

Less Likely
About the Same
More Likely


Information about You


We appreciate your responses to the previous questions. To help us understand responses from various communities and the issues related to different communities, we would also appreciate some information about you. Again, this information will not be linked to you personally and will only be used for comparative purposes.

What SINGLE role BEST describes your relationship with the University?

Student >>>> IF STUDENT, please answer the student questions below
Friend or Relative of University Student or Employee
In a Business Associated with the University
No Relationship with the University


Are you an International student?

Are you an undergraduate or graduate/professional student?


Are you male or female?


What is your age?


Over 84

How long have you lived in Minnesota?

Less than 1 year
1-3 years
4-6 years
Over 6 years, but not my whole life
My whole life


Thank you for completing our survey.
Your participation is important to our training. Thanks again!