Learning & Technology Survey

College of Education & Human Development

Thanks for helping with this survey about student perceptions and experiences regarding learning and technology in the College of Education & Human Development. We appreciate your assistance. Please note that your responses are confidential, and will only be used to improve or enhance student experiences in the college as we plan for future technological enhancement of courses and a variety of learning opportunities. Should you have any difficulties in completing this survey, please send an e-mail to Michael C. Rodriguez, assistant professor, Department of Educational Psychology: mcrdz@tc.umn.edu.

This survey takes about 6 minutes to complete. Thanks for taking the time to complete this survey. Please feel free to add any additional comments in the space provided at the end of the survey.

1. Experiences with Technology

1.1.  Where is the computer located that you PRIMARILY use to access the Internet?
My home
My workplace
A University computer lab
The library or other public location off campus
The home of a friend or family member
1.2.  What is your comfort level with the following computer related tasks? Assume here that the computer is functioning well.
 Mostly uncomfortableSomewhat uncomfortableSomewhat comfortableMostly comfortableDoes not apply
Using email
Typing, key boarding
Accessing the Web
Sending documents electronically
Receiving documents electronically
Downloading documents
Downloading multimedia materials (audio, video)
Listening to audio on the computer
Viewing video on the computer
1.3.  How would you rate your motivation to learn more about using technology tools (like those mentioned in the previous question)?
1.4.  Have you used WebCT before as part of a class?
Yes [Please answer the next question: 1.5]
No [You can skip question 1.5 and go to 1.6]
1.5.  If yes, to what extent do you think WebCT was helpful to your learning?
A little helpful
Moderately helpful
Very helpful
1.6.  Have you ever taken a course that was conducted primarily online, either here at the University or somewhere else?
  The computer will take you where you need to go in the remainder of the survey.
Yes [If yes, you will go to Section 2 and skip Section 3]
No [If no, you will skip Section 2 and go to Section 3]

2. Experience with Online Courses

2.1.  How many online courses have you taken?
more than 4
2.2.  Overall, to what extent are you dissatisfied or satisfied with the online course(s) you have taken?
Completely dissatisfied
Mostly dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Mostly satisfied
Completely satisfied
2.3.  What do you like MOST about taking online courses?
The online delivery methods
Limited face-to-face interaction
Flexibility of study location
Reliance on my own self-discipline
Flexibility of study time
Spending time on the computer
Less need to go to campus
Other (Please specify)
2.4.  What do you like LEAST about taking online courses?
The online delivery methods
Limited face-to-face interaction
Flexibility of study location
Reliance on my own self-discipline
Flexibility of study time
Spending time on the computer
Less need to go to campus
Other (Please specify)
2.5.  Do you disagree or agree that courses delivered entirely online meet the same quality standards as classroom courses?
Tend to disagree
Tend to agree
Do not know
2.6.  What kinds of technical support do you consider to be NECESSARY if you were to take another online course? (check all you consider necessary)
Assistance by telephone available during regular office hours
Assistance by telephone available 24 hours a day (or a time frame close to that)
Assistance by e-mail available during regular office hours
Assistance by e-mail available 24 hours a day
University provided required hardware
University provided required software
No assistance or equipment necessary
2.7.  What is your MAIN financial concern when taking an online course?
Being able to qualify for certain types of financial assistance
Having to purchase additional equipment to take the class
Covering the cost of books
Paying for an Internet connection
Paying an additional "online course fee"
I do not have any financial concerns
2.8.  Would you consider registering for another online course if the topic was of interest to you?
2.9.  Would you advise a fellow student to take an online course if the topic was of interest to him or her?

3. Imagine Taking an Online Course

For the next few questions, please imagine that you are enrolled in an online course offered by the University of Minnesota. Rather than attending a lecture each week, you spend approximately the equivalent amount of time participating in your "class" on the Internet. Each time you log-in to your course on the web, you read new information posted by your professor regarding the course's current topic, you engage in electronic conversations about the topics with your classmates, and you work collaboratively and independently on various on-line projects and activities designed to reinforce class themes. Additionally, you spend time reading printed materials to prepare for each week’s topic, much as you would in a classroom-based course. You are evaluated on your participation and contributions in the online discussions and your demonstration of mastery of the materials and concepts through written essays and projects.

3.1.  What would you like MOST about taking online courses?
The online delivery methods
Limited face-to-face interaction
Flexibility of study location
Reliance on my own self-discipline
Flexibility of study time
Spending time on the computer
Less need to go to campus
Other (Please specify)
3.2.  What would you like LEAST about taking online courses?
The online delivery methods
Limited face-to-face interaction
Flexibility of study location
Reliance on my own self-discipline
Flexibility of study time
Spending time on the computer
Less need to go to campus
Other (Please specify)
3.3.  Do you disagree or agree that courses delivered entirely online would meet the same quality standards as classroom courses?
Tend to disagree
Tend to agree
Do not know
3.4.  What kinds of technical support do you consider to be NECESSARY if you were to take an online course? (check all you consider)
Assistance by telephone at regular office hours
Assistance by telephone at 24 hours (or a time frame close to that)
Assistance by e-mail at regular office hours
Assistance by e-mail at 24 hours
University provided required hardware
University provided required software
None are necessary
3.5.  What would be your MAIN financial concern if you were to take an online course?
Being able to qualify for certain types of financial assistance
Having to purchase additional equipment to take the class
Covering the cost of books
Paying for an Internet connection
Paying an additional "online course fee"
I would not have any financial concerns

4. Additional Information

We appreciate your input in the above questions. To help us understand responses from various groups of students and the issues related to student characteristics, we would also appreciate some information about you. Again, this information will not be linked to you in any way and will only be used for comparative purposes.

4.1.  Please indicate your current registration status.
Degree seeking
Certificate seeking
Non-degree seeking
4.2.  Please indicate your age within the following ranges.
16-25 years
26-35 years
36-45 years
46-55 years
56-65 years
66-75 years
76 or more years
4.3.  When is the MOSTconvenient time for you to come to the University for classes?
Week days
Week evenings
There really is no convenient time.
Basically anytime is convenient for me.
4.4.  What is the approximate distance between your place of residence and the University?
0 - 10 miles (0 - 16 kilometers)
11 - 20 miles (17 - 32 kilometers)
21 - 50 miles (33 - 80 kilometers)
51 - 100 miles (81 - 160 kilometers)
More than 100 miles (160 kilometers)

5. Final Comments

Because we care about your input and we could not ask everyone to respond to the many additional questions we had, please use this space to make any final comments about your experiences related to learning and technology in the college. We value your input.

5.1.  Is there anything else you would like to add?

Your input is very important to the college. Faculty and staff will carefully review responses and comments provided by you and other students as we continue the technological enhancement of current courses, new courses, and alternate learning opportunities. Thank you for your input!